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Los Angeles Employment Lawyer
Los Angeles Litigation Law Firm 424-284-2401

Monthly Archives: November 2023


New Law Gives California Employees the Benefit of the Doubt in Employer Retaliation Claims

By Litigation, P.C. Law Firm |

Many cases of employment discrimination follow a familiar story.  The employee does not feel welcome in the work environment from the start.  Her direct supervisor seems to find fault with her about issues great and small, and coworkers make derogatory comments about the employee’s race, gender, or family status on a frequent basis, and… Read More »

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Can an Employer Discriminate Against You Because You Are Not Good Looking Enough?

By Litigation, P.C. Law Firm |

Everyone knows that you are not supposed to judge people based on their physical appearance, but most of us do not apply that precept consistently in our daily lives.  Finding a community of people who judge each other based on their actions instead of their looks is sounding more and more like a utopian… Read More »

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Abusive Treatment by an Employer Is Still Abuse, Even When It Is Not Discrimination

By Litigation, P.C. Law Firm |

Many employment discrimination lawsuits arise from work environments where a work supervisor harasses employees because of one or more protected characteristics of the employees, such as their race, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, or family status.  To file a discrimination complaint against your employer, you must first contact the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, whereupon… Read More »

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Business Partner Accuses Fashion Designer of Misappropriating Company Funds for Personal Use

By Litigation, P.C. Law Firm |

Everyone in Los Angeles has creative vision in abundance, but not everyone has business sense.  Therefore, partnerships between an artist and an entrepreneur are common here in the City of Angeles.  Egos can clash in any business partnership, even one that sells products much more boring than the trappings of celebrity culture that make… Read More »

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