Monthly Archives: March 2024

Bartender Sues Chain Restaurant for Discrimination and Retaliation
It is rare to find a career counselor who would tell you this directly, but if you have excellent interpersonal skills and you want to make money, you may have a successful career in bartending. The stereotype that almost everyone feels comfortable confiding in bartenders has a basis in reality. Even when customers do… Read More »

Former Bank Employee Gets $4 Million Damages Award in Whistleblower Retaliation Case
Everywhere you look, it is easy to see the rich getting richer while the poor get poorer. Compared to a generation ago, many young people have written off homeownership and university education as prohibitively expensive dreams, whereas they used to be hallmarks of middle-class life. Most people don’t get a chance to see up… Read More »

Former Country Club Employee Sues Employer After Enduring Sexual Harassment at Work
Most employment discrimination lawsuits name an entire company, nonprofit organization, or public sector employer instead of or in addition to an individual coworker. In some cases, an adversarial relationship with a particular supervisor or bullying by a particular coworker is at the root of the employment discrimination case, but more often, it takes more… Read More »

EEOC Files Age Discrimination Complaint Against Moving Company
Moving from one residence to another is a physically and emotionally demanding task. You probably have pieces of furniture in your home in places other than their ideal location because you fear that you will get hurt or the furniture will break if you try to move it, and the family members and friends… Read More »

Jury Awards $41 Million Verdict to NICU Nurse in Wrongful Termination Settlement
Being a nurse is one of the most difficult jobs in the world, and yet, new babies are a delight. You have probably encountered a grumpy nurse or two in a doctor’s office or hospital where you were a patient. At any given moment, nurses are dealing with anxious patients, demanding doctors, passive-aggressive coworkers,… Read More »