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Los Angeles Employment Lawyer
Los Angeles Litigation Law Firm 424-284-2401

Monthly Archives: June 2024


Is It Still an Adverse Action If It Comes With a Fancy New Position Title?

By Litigation, P.C. Law Firm |

When is a promotion not a promotion?  Employers often pile additional job duties on top of the ones in your original employment contract; this type of employee mission creep tends to happen when businesses are on a tight budget and want to get more work done without having to spend the money to hire… Read More »

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Probation Officers Sue Probation Department for Reassigning Their Duties against Their Will

By Litigation, P.C. Law Firm |

You may have the right to file an employment discrimination claim if your employer demotes you or transfers you to different duties when you did not request this transfer.  Undesired reassignment of duties, work schedule, or work location counts as an adverse action, no matter how much your employer may try to sell the… Read More »

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