Category Archives: Age Discrimination

EEOC Files Age Discrimination Complaint Against Moving Company
Moving from one residence to another is a physically and emotionally demanding task. You probably have pieces of furniture in your home in places other than their ideal location because you fear that you will get hurt or the furniture will break if you try to move it, and the family members and friends… Read More »

Can Your Employer Force You to Retire?
Even the least sensational news reports these days say that many Americans will never be able to afford a comfortable retirement. Out of economic necessity, it has become more and more common for people to continue working beyond the age of 65, the age at which seniors become eligible for Medicare, or even 70,… Read More »

Attempting To Appeal To Young Consumers Is No Excuse For Age Discrimination
Marketing products to young consumers is a tried-and-true strategy for businesses. You can get a lifetime of brand loyalty, but more importantly, consumers in their 20s tend to spend enthusiastically on dining, entertainment, and status symbol consumer goods. They are much more lucrative marks than middle-aged consumers who have no leisure time and are… Read More »

Marketing Director Fired From CalArts Drops Age Discrimination Lawsuit
Nowadays, and in certain professions, it is common to find people in their 70s, and even older, with no plans to retire. These tend to be the kinds of jobs that people pursue for reasons other than money, the professions that people pursue because they love helping others or because the job gives them… Read More »