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Category Archives: Business Litigation


Entrepreneurs Sue Supermarket Chain for Failing to Make Their Cereal Brand Available for Customers

By Litigation, P.C. Law Firm |

Small business owners have long complained that competition from retail giants is detrimental to small businesses.  A small business owner might have a top-quality product, but no matter what they do, they cannot afford to sell it at prices as low as what customers find at the big box retail giants.  In recent years,… Read More »

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Family Business Dispute Causes Restaurants to Close After Decades in Operation

By Litigation, P.C. Law Firm |

Family-owned restaurants that have operated in the same location for as long as anyone in the neighborhood can remember are a source of feelings of community for the customers, and even more so for the owners.  This is why so many children of the 80s agree that the book Little Nino’s Pizzeria, by Karen… Read More »

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Business Adviser Sues Recording Artist for Nonpayment of Contractual Obligations

By Litigation, P.C. Law Firm |

Some recording artists save their best riffs for songs about how, in the entertainment industry, talk is cheap, everyone is fake, and everything is a lie.  Just by reading the titles of “The Stroke” by Billy Squier and “Have a Cigar” by Pink Floyd will have their riffs stuck in your head, with no… Read More »

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Breach of Contract Lawsuits Between a Nonprofit Organization and a Corporation

By Litigation, P.C. Law Firm |

The beauty of operating a nonprofit organization is that it serves some purpose other than making its owners wealthy. In order to accomplish their goals, nonprofits often make agreements with for-profit businesses, and it is wise to formalize these agreements with legally enforceable contracts.  Whether you agree to pick up the leftovers from a… Read More »

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Business Partner Accuses Fashion Designer of Misappropriating Company Funds for Personal Use

By Litigation, P.C. Law Firm |

Everyone in Los Angeles has creative vision in abundance, but not everyone has business sense.  Therefore, partnerships between an artist and an entrepreneur are common here in the City of Angeles.  Egos can clash in any business partnership, even one that sells products much more boring than the trappings of celebrity culture that make… Read More »

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Can You Sue If Your Business Partner’s Big Ego Caused Your Business to Tank?

By Litigation, P.C. Law Firm |

If you operate a business, there is a chance that it will close because of financial losses, with or without having first enjoyed a period of success.  If you operate the business with a partner, it is virtually guaranteed that you and your business partner will disagree about a great many things.  Plenty of… Read More »

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Investor Claims That Business Partners Intentionally Caused Business Venture to Fail

By Litigation, P.C. Law Firm |

When business projects fall apart, it is easy for each partner to blame the others’ mistakes for what went wrong.  While many businesses end with hard feelings among the partners, most people do not have grounds to sue their former business partners simply because the project did not succeed.  If you and a partner… Read More »

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Breach of Contract Disputes Between Companies and Suppliers

By Litigation, P.C. Law Firm |

If the Midwest is the breadbasket of America, then California is America’s salad bowl.  The sunny climate is suitable for growing almost any kind of fruit or vegetable, such that the Golden State has become virtually synonymous with healthy eating.  Restaurants across the world routinely name low fat or plant-based menu items after California… Read More »

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What Happens If the Company You Signed a Contract With Runs Out of Money?

By Litigation, P.C. Law Firm |

Talking a big game is an important business skill.  Plenty of business contracts begin when one party makes outsized promises to get the other party’s attention.  In a business contract, though, you are legally obligated to keep the promises that you make.  This is why projections become noticeably more modest once you get to… Read More »

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Decades-Long Business Partnership Ends In $13 Million Lawsuit Judgment

By Litigation, P.C. Law Firm |

Some people spend decades looking forward to retirement, and they retire as soon as they reach an age where they are eligible for retirement.  Others continue working well past their 70th birthday.  The latter tend to belong to professions where the work tasks are fun and interesting regardless of how much you get paid. … Read More »

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