Three Women Allege That Homeless Advocacy Nonprofit Fired Them In Retaliation For Accusing Supervisor Of Sexual Harassment

Idealism is a primary motivation for many employees to go into the nonprofit sector. They choose their line of work not just to become financially independent and to support their own families, but also because they believe that the work they are doing is beneficial to society. They might imagine that their work environment will be full of like-minded people who want to do their jobs with a clear conscience. Unfortunately, power-tripping, morally bankrupt bosses exist in the nonprofit sector just as they do in corporations. No matter your employer’s business structure, the same rights of employees apply. For example, complaining about discrimination that you experience in the workplace, including sexual harassment, is a legally protected activity. This means that it is against the law for your employer to fire you in response to your filing of a sexual harassment complaint. If this happens, you have the right to sue your employer for wrongful termination of employment, as well as for discrimination and retaliation. A Los Angeles retaliation lawyer can represent you if things got worse after you complained about sexual harassment in your workplace.
Lawsuit Alleges That Supervisor Had Been Fired From Previous Job for Sexual Harassment
Three former employees have filed a lawsuit against a nonprofit organization that provides food and services to homeless people in Mendocino County and the surrounding area. The plaintiffs claim that their direct supervisor subjected them to persistent sexual harassment. He would frequently make lewd comments and propositions, even after they told him that they were not interested in a romantic relationship with him and that his comments made them uncomfortable. On multiple occasions, the supervisor allegedly forcibly touched the plaintiffs’ hips, buttocks, and genitals.
In early 2022, the plaintiffs separately complained to three different female managers about the harassment they had experienced from the supervisor. One of them was motivated to complain after she saw the supervisor trying to forcibly kiss another employee; she told the manager that her “mama bear” instinct took over and caused her to break her silence. Soon after, the organization’s leadership announced that the organization was experiencing financial hardship and would need to lay off at least six employees. One day in April 2022, the organization announced that it was terminating the three plaintiffs’ positions.
The plaintiffs filed a lawsuit alleging employment discrimination, employer retaliation, sexual harassment, and wrongful termination of employment. The lawsuit also alleges that the supervisor has a long history of sexual harassment, including being fired from a job in 2019 after sexual harassment complaints from coworkers. According to the Redheaded Blackbelt local news blog, the supervisor was on administrative leave as of October 2022 and his profile no longer appeared on the nonprofit organization’s website.
Speak With a Los Angeles Employer Retaliation Lawyer
A Los Angeles employer retaliation lawyer can help you if your employer fired you after you spoke up about sexual harassment at work. Contact Litigation, P.C. in Los Angeles, California to discuss your situation or call (424)284-2401.